#: locale=en-GB ## Tour ### Beschreibung tour.description = 42_Regnitzlosau_St-Aegidienkirche ### Titel tour.name = 42_Regnitzlosau_St-Aegidienkirche ## Skin ### Multiline Text HTMLText_4B644D86_5386_A129_41BD_5DB894DC1294.html =
The parish church of St. Aegidius,
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On all four sides, by the joiner N. Klug und carpenter J. Andreas (1701/05); painted by J. N. Walther (1744/47) with scenes from the Old Testament, coats of arms and paintings of tendrils.
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Markgrave Christian von Brandenburg-Kulmbach/Bayreuth (ruled 1603 – 1655), founder of the Principality of Bayreuth (painting dated 1653).
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Thought to be from the Knoll workshop (1745) with donor's inscription; the angel with great bright wings stands on clouds, carrying the baptismal bowl in a laurel wreath; in former times he was lowered on a rope from the ceiling for baptisms.
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Rich in figures and carvings with bright metallic colours, by J. N. and W. A. Knoll (1743); in the predella: a three-dimensional Last Supper and two Christmas scenes; on the pulpit body: a Crucifixion group, next to it the Evangelists St Matthew and St Mark, and on the ledge, smaller in size, St Luke and St John. Above the pulpit roof, which takes the form of a crown: a Resurrection scene and then to crown it all: a figurative representation of the Trinity, whereby the dove of the Holy Spirit is surrounded by a halo of rays of light.
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Having 105 paintings of biblical scenes, 63 by H. A. Lohe (1672; western half, rear part of the church), 42 by J. N. Walther (1744; eastern half i.e. altar part); donors' names on beams.
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Of six apostles, that is to say saints, made c 1500 in a Hof workshop, presumably from two earlier altars; now in the sacristy.
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For Georg Christoph von Drechsel (d 1726); two putti hold tablets in rocaille style with the inscriptions 'pietas' (piety) and 'iustitia' (justice).
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Made of fir wood (18C), marbled reddish-brown and painted with rich decoration; pew ends surmounted with palmettes; several nameplates from the 18C and 19C.
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Of Wolf Christian Reitzenstein the Elder, Lord of Posseck and Regnitzlosau, died 20. April 1655.
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2nd half 17C; the Crucified Christ wears a green crown of thorns; the inscription 'INRI' is in a garland of clouds.
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